
Professor Jenny Martin was named a finalist in the awards for her tireless efforts campaigning for gender equity in science in Australia.
Professor Jenny Martin was named a finalist in the awards for her tireless efforts campaigning for gender equity in science in Australia.
1 September 2015

from the is a finalist for a  in the Inspiration category.

IMB director is seeking public support for Professor Martin, and asking for the .

Across 10 categories, the medals recognise ordinary people who have made Australia a better place.

“Jenny was named a finalist in the awards for her tireless efforts campaigning for gender equity in science in Australia, which have resulted in a number of significant advances,” Professor Wainwright said.

“She has addressed the severe under-representation of women in senior positions in Australia by mentoring young women and encouraging positive stereotypes of women scientists.

”Additionally, her research has contributed new scientific knowledge in biology and crystallography, which she is using to develop novel antibiotics to treat drug-resistant bacteria.”

As a member of the  , Professor Martin has campaigned for gender equity on peer review panels for funding options and proposed part-time options.

Professor Martin has received numerous awards and is a founding member of the 's  steering committee.

Vote for Professor Martin to receive a People's Choice Award in the Queensland Inspiration category .

Voting closes on Sunday.

Media: Bronwyn Adams, IMB Communications, +61 7 3346 2134, 0418 575 247, communications@imb.uq.edu.au