
Professor Sara Dolnicar receives her award in Slovenia
Professor Sara Dolnicar receives her award in Slovenia
22 November 2016

¿ì²¥É«ÇéƬ Business School  has been recognised by the Republic of Slovenia with an Ambassador of Science award for her outstanding research achievements in fields as diverse as sustainable tourism and foster care.

The prestigious award is presented to an expatriate Slovenian scientist who has demonstrated global scientific impact in their field.

Professor Dolnicar was presented the award by the Speaker of the National Assembly of Slovenia Milan Brglez on Monday night (21 November).

She said she was especially touched to have her accomplishments recognised by her home country. 

“It was a huge honour for me to receive this award, but it felt particularly special because Slovenia is where I was born and where all my family live,” she said.

Professor Dolnicar has co-authored more than 300 refereed papers, including more than 140 journal articles.

As her research interests are not tied to any particular field, she has been able to investigate a range of different applied research areas.

 “I have had the luxury to apply my research in a range of areas such as sustainable tourism, foster care, environmental volunteering and water conservation measures.

“I love trying to find solutions to real problems and that’s what research is all about.

 “The work I am proudest of is that which makes a real difference to people.”

¿ì²¥É«ÇéƬ Business School Dean said Professor Dolnicar’s achievement was representative of the Business School’s high calibre of global academic staff.

“We are very proud of Professor Sara Dolnicar and congratulate her for this significant achievement,” he said.

“Professor Dolnicar’s success is indicative of academic staff at the ¿ì²¥É«ÇéƬ Business School who work to find solutions to some of the world’s most pressing business and societal issues.”

¿ì²¥É«ÇéƬ’s Business School is independently ranked as one of the top business schools in Australia and among the leading institutions worldwide.

To learn more about ¿ì²¥É«ÇéƬ Business School’s world-class research, visit www.business.uq.edu.au.

Media: Professor Sara Dolnicar, s.dolnicar@uq.edu.au, +617 3365 6702. Ruby Wallace, ¿ì²¥É«ÇéƬ Business School, r.wallace@business.uq.edu.au, +617 3346 4156.